Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Morning Glory - Expectation

Good Morning Friends! French Roast Coffee with coconut creamer (Yum) and God's Word - Amazing start to any morning!

I had the wonderful privilege to head north to lovely Prescott, AZ this last weekend for the DSC Sisterhood Retreat. So many great things I could tell you about- the time away was incredible - over 100 women took time to focus their attention & affection on Jesus - can't go wrong with that! 

Although, I could seriously write about so many different "take-aways" or logistics from this retreat I want to share some thoughts on one thing - Expectation.

I went to the this retreat filled with expectation! Much planning,prayer & fasting had gone into this time away. I have gone to many retreats - I have left some encouraged, full of faith - I have left others frustrated, discouraged & unchanged. What made the difference?

I truly believe that having an expectation that God is going to move in a great way makes all the difference .. and not just at a retreat, but day to day. 

I left to this retreat knowing that I was going for the main purpose to meet with God & receive all that He had for me! Often I can allow myself to become distracted or feel tired and spectate rather than engage. This time was different. I knew God had spoken to my heart to be fully present & engage. The moment praise & worship began I made my way to the front, not worrying about what others were doing... I wanted to worship my God. When it was time to respond or pray at an altar - I was there. When God prompted me to pray for someone - I obeyed.  It didn't matter that I had very little sleep the first night. I came to meet with God and my expectation was that He would meet with me! And of course- He did! That is His heart for us - He loves to meet with His kids and He desires us to seek Him! 

"You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart." -Jeremiah 29:13

God desires to move on our behalf. His heart is for people to know Him and seek Him. He cares about our families, our school, our co-workers, our marriages, our future -  He cares about every single detail - the exciting & the mundane! He cares about us!!

Imagine what my days (and your days too) could look like if I began each day with Expectation -  my Faith stirred and my heart Engaged. This could make all the difference from living a life on auto pilot to living a ridiculously adventurous walk with Jesus! That is what I desire! 
This is our life. We get one shot. Too many times I have missed out on what the Lord had for me or was content to receive a little to just get by...Why? 
 The enemy of our souls would love nothing more than for us to be lulled to sleep, distracted and not really paying attention to God's voice & to God's people all around us. The enemy knows the potential of what you and I possess and He knows how powerful the God of Heaven & Earth is!
 May we not miss anything God has for us! God is good and He is incredibly generous. He has a plan for our days & we have full access to Him.. to know His heart for us and others. 
I pray that TODAY our hearts would be stirred & our eyes & ears would attentive to the voice of His Spirit! God is going to do great things today & He desire to use His people -  He is asking us to draw near to Him and to follow Him.

Will we accept this invitation? 

"Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you..." -James 4:8(a)


Dancingwoo said...

Candi, this post and your blog is ALREADY an encouragement! These past few months have been difficult as I am walking new roads. I have forgotten how faithful God is during this time. He really is more than enough and I need to live like it.

And today's post really speaks to me. I need to expect that God has amazing things for me, TODAY! Why not ask Him and partner with HIM! Thank you for being obedient and reminding me that I know how to do that (thank you Chi Alpha). It is such a rewarding life to be obedient to the most faithful, loving, powerful, glorious God!!

Shawn and Candi said...

I am so glad that God is using this to encourage you! He does have AMAZING plans for you! May He help you to see beyond what you see! :)

Johanna VanderBeek said...

Thank you for this post from your heart. His spirit is all over that message :)

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